Useful Information for Adults

BMI Calculator

Our BMI is an important indicator of our health. A higher bmi score (over 25) can lead to health problems including high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, Type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis and joint pain.

Find out your BMI using our helpful calculator

NHS Livewell

Get information and advice about how to manage your weight if you're overweight or underweight. With top tips, mythbusting, helpful information on calories and much more, the Livewell website is a great place to start on your weight management journey.

Learn about managing your weight now and in the future with NHS Livewell

Eatwell Guide

The Eatwell Guide shows how much of what we eat overall should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet.

Read more about the Eatwell Guide with NHS Livewell

British Dietetic Association

The BDA Food Fact Sheets are written by dietitians to help you learn the best ways to eat and drink to keep your body fit and healthy. Topics include reading food labels, sustainable healthy diets, eating well for less and much more.

Browse and read the BDA Food Fact Sheets

British Heart Foundation

The British Heart Foundation is an excellent source of information on how to keep your heart, body and mind healthy. With helpful topics discussed such as how to meal plan, healthy snack mistakes, portion sizes and lots of fabulous healthy recipe ideas.

Check out the BHF Heart Matters nutrition articles

Getting Active

Being a healthy weight isn't just about eating well; being more physically active not only helps with weight management but can improve fitness, mental health and our overall wellbeing.

Get motivated to get active on our Getting Active pages