Coronavirus Resources

A range of resources and links to support businesses and individuals across the range of healthy workplace topics during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

General Information
Business Support Information including Financial Support
For Managers
Remote Working
Mental Health
Musculoskeletal Health
Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Awareness
Physical Activity
Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight
Choosing Well
Healthy Workplace Newsletters

General Information

The latest COVID-19 information on a range of topics available from Cornwall Council’s website and is being constantly updated.

Public Health England guidance about Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Business Support Information including Financial Support

COVID-19: guidance for employees, employers and businesses.

Covid Flyer business – aimed at any business / workplace.

Workplace website links – useful links for any business / workplace.

Covid Flyer accommodation – aimed at providers of accommodation.

Covid poster report – public facing poster for holiday-makers staying in accommodation in Cornwall.

Covid poster reporting – public facing poster for holiday-makers in Cornwall.

NHS Test and Trace - what to do if you or someone you employ is contacted by NHS Test and Trace, including self-isolation, sick pay and financial support
NHS Test and Trace in the workplace - GOV.UK (

COVID Car Sharing Advice poster

Wellbeing guidance for workplaces and returning to work.

Cornwall Chamber of Commerce Coronavirus support for businesses.

Regularly updated government guidance and support measures specifically for businesses and employers related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The Growth Hub is also running virtual events and webinars to support businesses during this time.

Federation of Small Business: Advice and guidance for small businesses and the self-employed.

Acas Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for employers and employees.

CIPD is providing updated advice, resources and guidance to support employers and people professionals.

British Safety Council Free resources to help employers and employees including free online courses on Remote Workers' Health, Safety and Welfare and Managing Stress Within Your Team.

CIPD Coronavirus (COVID-19): returning to the workplace guide.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the Workplace.

PayPlan makes debt advice easy and accessible by providing free employee Financial Wellbeing support.

The Money Advice Service: Coronavirus and your money. 

For Managers

CIPD’s How to help your team thrive at work.

Mind’s Head of Workplace Wellbeing has put together some tips for line managers about how they can support their team’s wellbeing as well as their own while working remotely or from home. 

British Safety Council’s free online courses for managers:
Stress Within Your Team - Essential for every responsible manager, the Managing Stress Within Your Team course highlights some of the pressures their teams might face, helps managers become more aware of their own actions and behaviours, and most importantly it helps manage and reduce stress levels within their team.
Managing Mental Health - This practical online course will help employees identify, manage and reduce their own stress. It will also make them aware of the consequences of not doing so.

Perkbox webinar - The new face of burnout: tools to support your employees.  Arm yourself with actionable tips and tools to combat employee burnout for a happier workplace. 

Good Work TV - Parents at Home: Tips for Employers

Remote Working

Healthy Workplace Virtual Healthy Meeting Guidance

The Safety & Health Practitioner’s guide to home working and self-isolating. 

Safety & Health Practitioner Webinar: Mental health & wellbeing and looking after remote workers.

This free webinar by NCI Technologies focuses on the lessons learned from having to make the sudden shift to 100% remote working during the COVID 19 outbreak.

British Safety Council’s Remote Workers - Health, Safety, and Welfare course.

Mental Health First Aid England have put together some guidance to support your mental health while working from home. 

Getting the most from remote working. CIPD’s series of top tips will help you and your team get the most out of homeworking.

Glide's Remote working: a practical safety guide for businesses.

Future Learn is an online platform that offers a wide variety of training courses, some need to be paid for, but many can be accessed for free.

Meeting the impact of home learning on parents and employers guidance

Working from home health and wellbeing toolkit

Mental Health

There are a number of mental health resources and information on the Cornwall Council website.

Mental Health at Work Coronavirus and isolation: supporting yourself and your colleagues.

Mental Health Foundation: How to look after your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak.

The Every Mind Matters campaign encourages us as adults to be more aware of our mental health and helps us to discover simple steps to look after our mental health and wellbeing.

Mind’s information on Coronavirus and your wellbeing.

Our Frontline offers health, care, emergency and key workers round-the-clock one-to-one support, by call or text, from trained volunteers, plus resources, tips and ideas to look after mental health.

British Safety Council’s free online courses:
Stress Awareness - This practical online course will help employees identify, manage and reduce their own stress. It will also make them aware of the consequences of not doing so.
Start the Conversation - This course is aimed at both employers and employees. ‘Start the conversation’ is a 45-minute session which gets people thinking about mental health and talking about mental health.

Mental Health in Business Course by Working Well.  This free course is being offered twice a month via Zoom. The course will be covering an introduction to:
– The importance of mental health to business
– An overview of mental health and mental ill health
– Workplace wellbeing strategies
– Stress management

Remploy Access to Work Mental Health Support Service Employer's Toolkit.

Mental Health First Aid England: Address Your Stress toolkit. Stress is everywhere, and it is directly linked to our mental health. Understanding what causes us stress and taking action to manage our stress levels is a key part of looking after our wellbeing.  This toolkit is designed to help you understand your triggers, get to know your unique stress signature, manage your stress levels with self-care and reduce the impact of stress on your health and life.

Spill's Ultimate Guide to Burnout.

Thriving at Home by The Thrive Programme is a booklet that gives individuals the chance to learn skills and self-awareness to enable them to get control of their emotions, learning ways to feel relaxed even when the world is stressful, show how to use thoughts to help feel positive and powerful and teach the new skills which are needed to feel in control.

Twinkl and Mind have created a selection of resources to help and support educators.

MindEd for Families: MindEd is a free learning resource about the mental health of children, young people and older adults.

The British Psychological Society: Advice for Key Worker Parents.  Helping your child adapt to changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Healthy Cornwall have created some useful videos including mindfulness, coping with stress and the five ways to wellbeing.

Headspace: meditation, sleep and movement exercises.

Five ways to wellbeing is a great way to help keep your mental health well and is based on the principle of doing these five things regularly.  Dr Richard Sharpe from Cornwall Council Public Health team explains how to protect our mental health using the five ways to wellbeing.

The MARCH Network, a mental health network focused on the power of bringing people together with social, cultural and community assets. With more people socially and physically distancing themselves, here are some home-based, creative ways to support mental health during these unique and uncertain times.

Musculoskeletal Health

Managing your bone, joint or muscle pain by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Health and Safety Executive: Protecting Home Workers. 

ESCAPE-pain Online or the ESCAPE-pain app provide a structured programme to support with joint pain.  They have also produced some educational videos giving simple advice and information to help people learn about how to better manage their condition.

Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors: Home Working and Staying Healthy Infographic

Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Awareness

NHS Smokefree: Get your free personal quit plan today to find the right support for you.

#QuitforCovid Stopping smoking matters now more than ever.  Today is the Day – protect yourself, others and the NHS. Join in the Twitter Quit Clinic daily 7.30-8.30pm.

Drinkaware is here to support you through this unprecedented and often stressful time. Stay safe with the crucial facts, information and practical advice about alcohol and isolation.

The drinks meter app provides you with instant feedback on your drinking. It compares your drinking against the Drinks Meter community to give unbiased, anonymous feedback.

Alcohol Health Network: How to not overdo the drinking during the Coronavirus and stay as healthy as possible.

We Are With You: Get free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health in one of our local services or online.  Phone: 0333 200 0325.

Talk to Frank - Coronavirus: drinking and taking drugs during the outbreak.

Physical Activity

Healthy Cornwall have developed a range of easy to follow videos on YouTube that require no equipment. 

If you'd like a way to de-stress and re-balance during your lunch break, then maybe you could try chair yoga? Yoga teacher Jo from Cornwall Council has filmed a 30 minute guided session for us, perfect to fit into your lunch break, or any other time of day!

World Health Organization’s stay physically active during self-quarantine.

Sport England how to stay active whilst your at home tips and links for staying active from your own home.

The NHS Fitness Studio videos Fantastic free videos from the NHS.

NHS gym free workouts.

Download the free NHS Active 10 App for a little added motivation.

The Better UK app is available free to download on both IOS and Android devices. You don’t need to be a member of a Better leisure centre, simply use the code BETTERFREE to access all classes free of charge.

British Heart Foundation Chair Based Exercises.

Chair Based Exercises from Arthritis Action.

Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight

The BDA (British Dietetic Association) is also a good resource for up to date information around diet and COVID-19.

British Heart Foundation Healthy Eating information and recipe finder.

It is important as always for residents to maintain good nutrition and hydration. For those affected by COVID-19 try to encourage an ongoing regular food and fluid intake, even if they are feeling unwell and have a poor appetite. Adults are usually advised to have 6-8 mugs or large glasses a day, but this may need to be higher for someone with a high temperature. The British Dietetic Association has a useful fluid fact sheet.

Choosing Well

Health and Safety Executive: Working safely with display screen equipment.  Taking regular screen breaks and ensuring display screen equipment are set up correctly is important, especially when working from home.

Safety & Health Practitioner: Protecting your eyes while working from home

Cancer Research UK: Ways to enjoy the sun safely.  As the weather is improving and we can still get outside to enjoy daily exercise following sun safety advice is recommended.

Cancer Research UK: Cause of cancer and reducing your risk.  Keep yourself healthy to avoid preventable types of cancers.

The Sleep Council: Advice and Support.  A good night’s rest is essential to a healthy lifestyle – protecting you physically and mentally as well as boosting your quality of living.

Government advice around Coronavirus (COVID-19) and support for victims of domestic abuse. The order to stay at home can cause anxiety for those who are experiencing or feel at risk of domestic abuse. 
For anyone who feels they are at risk of abuse, it is important to remember that there is help and support available to you.  It is important to look out for family, friends and colleagues who may be experiencing or feel at risk domestic abuse.

Safer Cornwall: support for those living with domestic abuse during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Safer Futures: for anyone concerned about domestic abuse and sexual violence.  Contact by phone: 0300 777 4777 or email.

Cornwall Refuge Trust: provides refuge accommodation for women, men and children who have escaped domestic abuse, offering them a safe and supportive environment in which to recover from their experiences.
They offer support and advice, empowering victims and survivors of domestic abuse to create or maintain a safer and happier future.  24 hour domestic abuse helpline 01872 225629.

Oral Health Foundation: Dental Care and Coronavirus.  It is likely that the coronavirus will have an effect on dental care with routine dental check-ups and ongoing treatment plans disrupted or cancelled. To help prevent dental problems from happening look after your oral health.

ARA Gambling Support Services: provide counselling to problem gamblers and those affected by problem gambling across most of South West England.  Clients can ring 03301 340286 or e-mail to refer themselves for telephone counselling. 

Guidance for Unpaid Carers: services, organisations and events that can help support you in your caring role; whether you are a young or adult carer.

Cornwall Bereavement Network: Bereavement services across Cornwall have united to create a new Cornwall Bereavement Network website and helpline.  A list of charities and services are able to offer support to those bereaved, from any cause and of any age.

CIPD's guide to compassionate bereavement support: Practical guidance to help employers properly support grieving employees, including advice on developing a supportive culture and policy, training and links to further resources.