Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice (IBA)
This training aims to give staff the confidence to raise the issue, knowledge of how to help people check their alcohol intake level, the tools to assess the risk level of someone’s drinking, and then how to help.
Staff in any services where alcohol is a common issue or a background factor for clients/customers, or families, and where someone may need help developing the motivation to change.
This is a free 3 and 1/2 hour course designed for front line staff who may come into contact with people with the potential indicators of alcohol problems.
“If consistently implemented across the UK, simple alcohol advice would result in 250,000 men and 67,500 women reducing their drinking levels from hazardous and harmful to low risk each year when delivered by competent, trained staff.”
(Alcohol Learning Centre Website. Department of Health 2010)
Course description:
When we identify people at risk because of their alcohol use as early as possible, we can help them to prevent their problems becoming more complex, embedded and expensive to address in the future.
Alcohol IBA training has been designed to provide staff across Cornwall with the skills and understanding to deliver Alcohol IBA in line with the National Occupational Standard AH10 - 'employ techniques to help individuals adopt sensible drinking behaviour'.
The training will teach you how to use World Health Organisation validated tools (AUDIT) to identify alcohol risk levels, and how to intervene appropriately with those who would benefit from reducing their alcohol intake.
There is a strong evidence-base which shows that structured, motivational advice is effective in reducing health risks from alcohol. This will cover the basics of a Motivational Interviewing approach, to best support change.
Once introduced to the W.H.O. AUDIT tools, staff find them very simple to use and effective in helping people to change their behaviour and habits.
A Step By Step Guide and full handouts are provided as part of this training. E-Learning is available free afterwards to reinforce this training.
Book your place using the booking form below: