Using E-Cigarettes to Quit Smoking
Over the last few years e-cigarettes have become more and more popular as a stop smoking aid. This is mainly because E-cigarettes/vapes have been shown to be less harmful than cigarettes and smokers are up to twice as likely to quit when using e-cigarettes in a quit attempt. It’s for these reasons e-cigarettes have helped many adult smokers to quit smoking for good.
However, vaping is not risk-free; there are short term effects of use that can include coughing, headaches, dizziness and sore throats. Also, as the use of e-cigarettes is still so new, long-term effects of use are still as yet unknown.
While e-cigarettes have been shown to be a good option for adult smokers looking to quit smoking, they are not recommended for use by those who do not already smoke or for those under the age of 18.
Find out more about the use of e-cigarettes to quit smoking
Buy With Confidence
If you are considering trying vapes to help you with your quit attempt but need some added reassurance when purchasing them for the first time, look out for the Buy with Confidence logo.
Every Buy with Confidence business has been fully vetted by Trading Standards professionals. Member businesses are also monitored to ensure they continue to provide good customer service.
You can find details of vape retailers in Cornwall signed up to the Buy with Confidence scheme below.
Flavour Vapour Truro
5-6 Kenwyn Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3DJ
01872 225333
Evapo Truro
15 Victoria Square, Truro, TR1 2RU
07833 947065
Vaping in Young People – Don’t Smoke? Don’t Start to Vape!
Most children and young people don’t vape or smoke.
However, in 2022 the number of under 18’s using vapes rose to 7% compared to 4% in 2020. Whilst this increase is concerning, it’s important to note that most vaping is experimental.
The increase in youth vaping has coincided with the arrival of a new category of cheap and attractive disposable vapes. These have proven particularly popular with children and young people and are promoted extensively on social media.
Public Health teams are working hard nationally and locally to address these issues.
Our ‘Vaping and E-Cigarettes: The facts for parents and carers’ leaflet was created to support parents and carers to have conversations with their children about vaping.
Read and download the Vaping and E-Cigarettes: Facts for parents and carers leaflet
Vapes and the Environment
The increasingly popular disposable vapes and the batteries inside them are also an increasing problem for the environment, with many seen littering our streets, parks and nature areas.
Approximately 1.3 million disposable vapes are thrown away every week in the UK: enough to cover 22 football pitches.
Many of these are made with non-recyclable or hard to recycle materials and will end up in landfill.